Package linear_operators :: Module interface
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Source Code for Module linear_operators.interface

  1  """ 
  3  Classes 
  4  ------- 
  6  LinearOperator : Provides the LinearOperator class, which is the base 
  7      class for all operators. This class is shamelessly taken from the 
  8      scipy.sparse.linalg package. 
 10  Functions 
 11  --------- 
 13  aslinearoperator : transforms a class with the matvec method into a 
 14      LinearOperator 
 16  concatenate : Transform a list of LinearOperators into a 
 17      LinearOperator by concatenation. 
 19  block_diagonal : Transform a list of LinearOperators into a 
 20      block-diagonal LinearOperator with given LinearOperators on the 
 21      diagonal. 
 22  """ 
 24  import numpy as np 
 25  import warnings 
26 #from scipy.sparse.sputils import isshape 27 #from scipy.sparse import isspmatrix 28 29 #__all__ = ['LinearOperator', 'aslinearoperator'] 30 31 -class LinearOperator(object):
32 """Common interface for performing matrix vector products 33 34 Many iterative methods (e.g. cg, gmres) do not need to know the 35 individual entries of a matrix to solve a linear system A*x=b. 36 Such solvers only require the computation of matrix vector 37 products, A*v where v is a dense vector. This class serves as 38 an abstract interface between iterative solvers and matrix-like 39 objects. 40 41 Parameters 42 ---------- 43 shape : tuple 44 Matrix dimensions (M,N) 45 matvec : callable f(v) 46 Returns returns A * v. 47 48 Optional Parameters 49 ------------------- 50 rmatvec : callable f(v) 51 Returns A^H * v, where A^H is the conjugate transpose of A. 52 matmat : callable f(V) 53 Returns A * V, where V is a dense matrix with dimensions (N,K). 54 rmatmat : callable f(V) 55 Returns A^H * V, where V is a dense matrix with dimensions (N,K). 56 dtype : dtype 57 Data type of the matrix. 58 59 See Also 60 -------- 61 aslinearoperator : Construct LinearOperators 62 63 Notes 64 ----- 65 The user-defined matvec() function must properly handle the case 66 where v has shape (N,) as well as the (N,1) case. The shape of 67 the return type is handled internally by LinearOperator. 68 69 Examples 70 -------- 71 >>> from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator 72 >>> from scipy import * 73 >>> def mv(v): 74 ... return array([ 2*v[0], 3*v[1]]) 75 ... 76 >>> A = LinearOperator( (2,2), matvec=mv, rmatvec=mv) 77 >>> A 78 <2x2 LinearOperator with unspecified dtype> 79 >>> A.matvec( ones(2) ) 80 array([ 2., 3.]) 81 >>> A * ones(2) 82 array([ 2., 3.]) 83 >>> A.dense() 84 array([[ 2., 0.], 85 [ 0., 3.]]) 86 >>> (2 * A.T * A + 1) * ones(2) 87 array([ 9., 19.]) 88 89 """
90 - def __init__(self, shape, matvec, rmatvec=None, matmat=None, rmatmat=None, 91 dtypein=None, dtypeout=None, dtype=np.float64):
92 93 shape = tuple(shape) 94 95 #if not isshape(shape): 96 # raise ValueError('invalid shape') 97 98 self.shape = shape 99 self._matvec = matvec 100 101 if rmatvec is None: 102 def rmatvec(v): 103 raise NotImplementedError('rmatvec is not defined')
104 self.rmatvec = rmatvec 105 else: 106 self.rmatvec = rmatvec 107 108 if matmat is not None: 109 # matvec each column of V 110 self._matmat = matmat 111 112 if rmatmat is not None: 113 # matvec each column of V 114 self._rmatmat = rmatmat 115 else: 116 self._rmatmat = None 117 118 self.dtype = None 119 self.dtypein = None 120 self.dtypeout = None 121 if dtype is not None: 122 self.dtype = dtype 123 self.dtypein = np.dtype(dtype) 124 self.dtypeout = np.dtype(dtype) 125 if dtypein is not None and dtypeout is not None: 126 self.dtype = np.dtype(dtypein) 127 self.dtypein = np.dtype(dtypein) 128 self.dtypeout = np.dtype(dtypeout) 129 elif dtypein is not None: 130 self.dtype = np.dtype(dtypein) 131 self.dtypein = np.dtype(dtypein) 132 elif dtypeout is not None: 133 self.dtype = np.dtype(dtypeout) 134 self.dtypeout = np.dtype(dtypeout)
136 - def _matmat(self, X):
137 """Default matrix-matrix multiplication handler. Falls back on 138 the user-defined matvec() routine, which is always provided. 139 """ 140 141 return np.hstack( [ self.matvec(col.reshape(-1,1)) for col in X.T ] )
142 143
144 - def matvec(self, x):
145 """Matrix-vector multiplication 146 147 Performs the operation y=A*x where A is an MxN linear 148 operator and x is a column vector or rank-1 array. 149 150 Parameters 151 ---------- 152 x : {matrix, ndarray} 153 An array with shape (N,) or (N,1). 154 155 Returns 156 ------- 157 y : {matrix, ndarray} 158 A matrix or ndarray with shape (M,) or (M,1) depending 159 on the type and shape of the x argument. 160 161 Notes 162 ----- 163 This matvec wraps the user-specified matvec routine to ensure that 164 y has the correct shape and type. 165 166 """ 167 168 x = np.asanyarray(x) 169 170 M,N = self.shape 171 172 if x.shape != (N,) and x.shape != (N,1): 173 raise ValueError('dimension mismatch') 174 175 y = self._matvec(x) 176 177 if isinstance(x, np.matrix): 178 y = np.asmatrix(y) 179 else: 180 y = np.asarray(y) 181 182 if x.ndim == 1: 183 y = y.reshape(M) 184 elif x.ndim == 2: 185 y = y.reshape(M,1) 186 else: 187 raise ValueError('invalid shape returned by user-defined matvec()') 188 189 190 return y
191 192
193 - def matmat(self, X):
194 """Matrix-matrix multiplication 195 196 Performs the operation y=A*X where A is an MxN linear 197 operator and X dense N*K matrix or ndarray. 198 199 Parameters 200 ---------- 201 X : {matrix, ndarray} 202 An array with shape (N,K). 203 204 Returns 205 ------- 206 Y : {matrix, ndarray} 207 A matrix or ndarray with shape (M,K) depending on 208 the type of the X argument. 209 210 Notes 211 ----- 212 This matmat wraps any user-specified matmat routine to ensure that 213 y has the correct type. 214 215 """ 216 217 X = np.asanyarray(X) 218 219 if X.ndim != 2: 220 raise ValueError('expected rank-2 ndarray or matrix') 221 222 M,N = self.shape 223 224 if X.shape[0] != N: 225 raise ValueError('dimension mismatch') 226 227 Y = self._matmat(X) 228 229 if isinstance(Y, np.matrix): 230 Y = np.asmatrix(Y) 231 232 return Y
233 234
235 - def __mul__(self, x):
236 if np.isscalar(x): 237 matvec = _mat_scalar(self._matvec, x) 238 rmatvec = _mat_scalar(self.rmatvec, x) 239 matmat = _mat_scalar(self._matmat, x) 240 rmatmat = _mat_scalar(self._rmatmat, x) 241 return LinearOperator(self.shape, matvec, rmatvec=rmatvec, 242 matmat=matmat, rmatmat=rmatmat) 243 if isinstance(x, LinearOperator): 244 # return a LinearOperator 245 if self.shape[1] != x.shape[0]: 246 raise ValueError('LinearOperator shape mismatch') 247 if self.dtypein != x.dtypeout: 248 raise ValueError('LinearOperator dtypein mismatch') 249 shape = (self.shape[0], x.shape[1]) 250 matvec = _mat_mul(self._matvec, x._matvec) 251 if self.rmatvec is not None and x.rmatvec is not None: 252 rmatvec = _mat_mul(x.rmatvec, self.rmatvec) 253 else: 254 rmatvec = None 255 if self._matmat is not None and x._matmat is not None: 256 matmat = _mat_mul(self._matmat, x._matmat) 257 else: 258 matmat = None 259 if self._rmatmat is not None and x._matmat is not None: 260 rmatmat = _mat_mul(x._rmatmat, self._rmatmat) 261 else: 262 rmatmat = None 263 return LinearOperator(shape, matvec, rmatvec=rmatvec, 264 matmat=matmat, rmatmat=rmatmat, 265 dtypein=x.dtypein, 266 dtypeout=self.dtypeout) 267 else: 268 x = np.asarray(x) 269 if x.ndim == 1 or x.ndim == 2 and x.shape[1] == 1: 270 warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=np.ComplexWarning) 271 return self.matvec(x).astype(self.dtypeout) 272 warnings.resetwarnings() 273 elif x.ndim == 2: 274 warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=np.ComplexWarning) 275 return self.matmat(x).astype(self.dtypeout) 276 warnings.resetwarnings() 277 else: 278 raise ValueError('expected rank-1 or rank-2 array or matrix or LinearOperator')
280 - def __add__(self, A):
281 if isinstance(A, LinearOperator): 282 if self.shape != A.shape: 283 raise ValueError('expected LinearOperator of the same shape') 284 if self.dtype != A.dtype: 285 raise ValueError('LinearOperator dtype mismatch') 286 if self.dtypein != A.dtypein: 287 raise ValueError('LinearOperator dtypein mismatch') 288 if self.dtypeout != A.dtypeout: 289 raise ValueError('LinearOperator dtypeout mismatch') 290 matvec = _mat_add(self._matvec, A._matvec) 291 if self.rmatvec is not None and A.rmatvec is not None: 292 rmatvec = _mat_add(self.rmatvec, A.rmatvec) 293 else: 294 rmatvec = None 295 if self._matmat is not None and A._matmat is not None: 296 matmat = _mat_add(self._matmat, A._matmat) 297 else: 298 matmat = None 299 if self._matmat is not None and A._matmat is not None: 300 rmatmat = _mat_add(self._matmat, A._matmat) 301 else: 302 rmatmat = None 303 return LinearOperator(self.shape, matvec, rmatvec=rmatvec, 304 matmat=matmat, rmatmat=rmatmat, 305 dtype=self.dtype, dtypein=self.dtypein, 306 dtypeout=self.dtypeout) 307 if np.isscalar(A): 308 return self.__add__(A * aslinearoperator(np.eye(self.shape[0], 309 self.shape[1], 310 dtype=self.dtype, 311 ))) 312 else: 313 raise ValueError('expected LinearOperator')
315 - def __neg__(self):
316 return self * (-1)
318 - def __sub__(self, x):
319 return self.__add__(-x)
321 - def __rmul__(self, x):
322 if np.isscalar(x): 323 # commutative with scalar 324 return self.__mul__(x) 325 if isinstance(x, LinearOperator): 326 return x.__mul__(self) 327 else: 328 x = np.asarray(x) 329 if hasattr(self, 'rmatvec'): 330 if x.ndim == 1 or x.ndim == 2 and x.shape[1] == 1: 331 return self.rmatvec(x) 332 elif x.ndim == 2: 333 return self.rmatmat(x) 334 else: 335 raise ValueError('expected rank-1 or rank-2 array or matrix') 336 else: 337 raise ValueError('LinearOperator does not have rmatvec attribute')
339 - def __radd__(self, x):
340 return self.__add__(x)
342 - def __rsub__(self, x):
343 return (-self).__add__(x)
345 - def __imul__(self, x):
346 return self.__mul__(x)
348 - def __iadd__(self, x):
349 return self.__add__(x)
351 - def __isub__(self, x):
352 return self.__sub__(x)
354 - def __pow__(self, k):
355 from copy import copy 356 if not isinstance(k, int): 357 raise NotImplemented('Only power to an int is implemented') 358 if k < 0: 359 raise NotImplemented('Negative power is not implemented') 360 else: 361 A = copy(self) 362 for i in xrange(k): 363 A *= self 364 return A
366 - def __repr__(self):
367 M,N = self.shape 368 if hasattr(self,'dtype'): 369 dt = 'dtype=' + str(self.dtypein) 370 else: 371 dt = 'unspecified dtype' 372 class_name = self.__class__.__name__ 373 return '<%dx%d %s with %s>' % (M, N, class_name, dt)
374 375 @property
376 - def T(self):
377 if self.rmatvec is not None: 378 matvec, rmatvec = self.rmatvec, self._matvec 379 else: 380 raise NotImplementedError('rmatvec is not defined') 381 if self._matmat is not None and self._rmatmat is not None: 382 matmat, rmatmat = self._rmatmat, self._matmat 383 else: 384 matmat, rmatmat = None, None 385 dtype = getattr(self, 'dtype', None) 386 dtypein = getattr(self, 'dtypein', None) 387 dtypeout = getattr(self, 'dtypeout', None) 388 return LinearOperator(self.shape[::-1], matvec, rmatvec=rmatvec, 389 matmat=matmat, rmatmat=rmatmat, dtype=dtype, 390 dtypein=dtypeout, dtypeout=dtypein)
392 - def todense(self):
393 A = np.empty(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype) 394 x = np.zeros(self.shape[1], dtype=self.dtype) 395 for i in xrange(A.shape[1]): 396 x[i] = 1 397 A[:, i] = self * x 398 x[:] = 0 399 return A
401 -def _mat_mul(matvec1, matvec2):
402 """Functional composition of two matvec functions""" 403 def matvec(x): 404 return matvec1(matvec2(x))
405 return matvec 406
407 -def _mat_add(matvec1, matvec2):
408 """Functional addition of two matvec functions""" 409 def matvec(x): 410 return np.squeeze(matvec1(x)) + np.squeeze(matvec2(x))
411 return matvec 412
413 -def _mat_scalar(matvec0, scalar):
414 def matvec(x): 415 return scalar * matvec0(x)
416 return matvec 417
418 -def aslinearoperator(A):
419 """Return A as a LinearOperator. 420 421 'A' may be any of the following types: 422 - ndarray 423 - matrix 424 - sparse matrix (e.g. csr_matrix, lil_matrix, etc.) 425 - LinearOperator 426 - An object with .shape and .matvec attributes 427 428 See the LinearOperator documentation for additonal information. 429 430 Examples 431 -------- 432 >>> from scipy import matrix 433 >>> M = matrix( [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]], dtype='int32' ) 434 >>> aslinearoperator( M ) 435 <2x3 LinearOperator with dtype=int32> 436 437 """ 438 if isinstance(A, LinearOperator): 439 return A 440 441 elif isinstance(A, np.ndarray) or isinstance(A, np.matrix): 442 if A.ndim > 2: 443 raise ValueError('array must have rank <= 2') 444 445 A = np.atleast_2d(np.asarray(A)) 446 447 def matvec(v): 448 return, v)
449 def rmatvec(v): 450 return, v) 451 def matmat(V): 452 return, V) 453 def rmatmat(V): 454 return, A) 455 return LinearOperator(A.shape, matvec, rmatvec=rmatvec, 456 matmat=matmat, rmatmat=rmatmat, dtype=A.dtype) 457 458 #elif isspmatrix(A): 459 # def matvec(v): 460 # return A * v 461 # def rmatvec(v): 462 # return A.conj().transpose() * v 463 # def matmat(V): 464 # return A * V 465 # def rmatmat(V): 466 # return V * A 467 # return LinearOperator(A.shape, matvec, rmatvec=rmatvec, 468 # matmat=matmat, rmatmat=rmatmat, dtype=A.dtype) 469 470 else: 471 if hasattr(A, 'shape') and hasattr(A, 'matvec'): 472 rmatvec = getattr(A, 'rmatvec', None) 473 matmat = getattr(A, 'matmat', None) 474 rmatmat = getattr(A, 'rmatmat', None) 475 dtype = getattr(A, 'dtype', None) 476 return LinearOperator(A.shape, A.matvec, rmatvec=rmatvec, 477 matmat=matmat, rmatmat=rmatmat, dtype=dtype) 478 else: 479 raise TypeError('type not understood') 480
481 -def concatenate(As, axis=0):
482 """ 483 Concatenate LinearOperator in rows or in columns. 484 485 Parameters 486 ---------- 487 As : list of LinearOperators 488 The list of LinearOperators to concatenate. 489 490 axis : 0 or 1 491 The axis along which to concatenate the LinearOperators. 492 493 Returns 494 ------- 495 out: LinearOperator 496 Output a LinearOperator which is the concatenation of a list of 497 LinearOpeartors. 498 499 """ 500 # rows 501 if axis == 0: 502 # check input 503 for A in As: 504 # shape 505 if A.shape[1] != As[0].shape[1]: 506 raise ValueError("All LinearOperators must have the same number of row/columns.") 507 # dtype 508 if A.dtype != As[0].dtype: 509 raise ValueError("All LinearOperators must have the same data-type.") 510 # define output shape 511 sizes = [A.shape[0] for A in As] 512 shape = np.sum(sizes), As[0].shape[1] 513 # define data type 514 dtype = As[0].dtype 515 # define new matvec 516 def matvec(x): 517 return np.concatenate([A.matvec(x) for A in As])
518 # define how to slice vector 519 sizesum = list(np.cumsum(sizes))[:-1] 520 sizes1 = [None,] + sizesum 521 sizes2 = sizesum + [None,] 522 slices = [slice(s1, s2, None) for s1, s2 in zip(sizes1, sizes2)] 523 def rmatvec(x): 524 out = np.zeros(shape[1]) 525 for A, s in zip(As, slices): 526 out += A.rmatvec(x[s]) 527 return out 528 # columns 529 elif axis == 1: 530 # you can transpose the concatenation of the list of transposes 531 return concatenate([A.T for A in As], axis=0).T 532 else: 533 raise ValueError("axis must be 0 or 1") 534 return LinearOperator(shape, matvec, rmatvec=rmatvec, dtype=dtype) 535
536 -def block_diagonal(As):
537 """ 538 Defines a block diagonal LinearOperator from a list of LinearOperators. 539 """ 540 # check data type 541 for A in As: 542 if A.dtype != As[0].dtype: 543 raise ValueError("All LinearOperators must have the same data-type.") 544 dtype = As[0].dtype 545 # define shape 546 shape = np.sum([A.shape[0] for A in As]), np.sum([A.shape[1] for A in As]) 547 # define how to slice vector 548 sizes = [A.shape[1] for A in As] 549 sizes = list(np.cumsum(sizes))[:-1] 550 sizes1 = [None,] + sizes 551 sizes2 = sizes + [None,] 552 slices = [slice(s1, s2, None) for s1, s2 in zip(sizes1, sizes2)] 553 # define new matvec function 554 def matvec(x): 555 return np.concatenate([A.matvec(x[s]) for A, s in zip(As, slices)])
556 # define how to slice vector 557 rsizes = [A.shape[0] for A in As] 558 rsizes = list(np.cumsum(rsizes))[:-1] 559 rsizes1 = [None,] + rsizes 560 rsizes2 = rsizes + [None,] 561 rslices = [slice(s1, s2, None) for s1, s2 in zip(rsizes1, rsizes2)] 562 # define new rmatvec function 563 def rmatvec(x): 564 return np.concatenate([A.rmatvec(x[s]) for A, s in zip(As, rslices)]) 565 return LinearOperator(shape, matvec, rmatvec=rmatvec, dtype=dtype) 566