Package linear_operators :: Package iterative :: Module norms
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Source Code for Module linear_operators.iterative.norms

  1  """ 
  2  Implement norm classes. Available now : 
  4  - Norm2 
  5  - Huber norm 
  6  - Norm-k 
  7  """ 
  8  import numpy as np 
  9  from ..operators import identity 
 11  try: 
 12      from scipy.linalg.fblas import dnrm2 
 13  except ImportError: 
 14      pass 
 16  if 'dnrm2' in locals(): 
17 - def norm2(x):
18 return dnrm2(x) ** 2
19 else:
20 - def norm2(x):
21 return, x.ravel())
23 -def dnorm2(x):
24 return 2 * x
26 -def normp(p=2):
27 def norm(t): 28 return np.sum(np.abs(t) ** p)
29 return norm 30
31 -def dnormp(p=2):
32 def norm(t): 33 return np.sign(t) * p * (np.abs(t) ** (p - 1))
34 return norm 35
36 -def hnorm(d=None):
37 if d is None: 38 return norm2 39 else: 40 def norm(t): 41 return np.sum(huber(t, d))
42 return norm 43
44 -def dhnorm(d=None):
45 if d is None: 46 return dnorm2 47 else: 48 def norm(t): 49 return dhuber(t, d)
50 return norm 51
52 -def huber(t, delta=1):
53 """Apply the huber function to the vector t, with transition delta""" 54 t_out = t.flatten() 55 quadratic_index = np.where(np.abs(t_out) < delta) 56 linear_index = np.where(np.abs(t_out) >= delta) 57 t_out[quadratic_index] = np.abs(t_out[quadratic_index]) ** 2 58 t_out[linear_index] = 2 * delta * np.abs(t_out[linear_index]) - delta ** 2 59 return np.reshape(t_out, t.shape)
61 -def dhuber(t, delta=1):
62 """Apply the derivation of the Huber function to t, transition: delta""" 63 t_out = t.flatten() 64 quadratic_index = np.where(np.abs(t_out) < delta) 65 linear_index_positive = np.where(t_out >= delta) 66 linear_index_negative = np.where(t_out <= - delta) 67 t_out[quadratic_index] = 2 * t_out[quadratic_index] 68 t_out[linear_index_positive] = 2 * delta 69 t_out[linear_index_negative] = - 2 * delta 70 return np.reshape(t_out, t.shape)
72 -class Norm(object):
73 """ 74 An abstract class to define norm classes. 75 """
76 - def __call__(self, x):
77 return self._call(x)
78 - def diff(self, x):
79 return self._diff(x)
81 -class Norm2(Norm):
82 """ 83 A norm-2 class. Optionally accepts a covariance matrix C. 84 If C is given, the norm would be :, C * x). 85 Otherwise, it would be norm2(x). 86 87 Parameters 88 ---------- 89 90 C : LinearOperator (None) 91 The covariance matrix of the norm. 92 93 Returns 94 ------- 95 Returns a Norm2 instance with a __call__ and a diff method. 96 """
97 - def __init__(self, C=None):
98 if C is None: 99 def call(x): 100 return norm2(x)
101 def diff(x): 102 return 2 * x
103 def hessian(x): 104 return 2 * identity(2 *(x.size,)) 105 else: 106 def call(x): 107 return, C * x) 108 def diff(x): 109 return 2 * C * x 110 def hessian(x): 111 return 2 * C 112 self.C = C 113 self._call = call 114 self._diff = diff 115
116 -class Huber(Norm):
117 """ 118 An Huber norm class. 119 120 Parameters 121 ---------- 122 123 delta: float 124 The Huber parameter of the norm. 125 if abs(x_i) is below delta, returns x_i ** 2 126 else returns 2 * delta * x_i - delta ** 2 127 128 Returns 129 ------- 130 Returns an Huber instance with a __call__ and a diff method. 131 """
132 - def __init__(self, delta):
133 = delta 134 self._call = hnorm(d=delta) 135 self._diff = dhnorm(d=delta)
137 -class Normp(Norm):
138 """ 139 An Norm-p class. 140 141 Parameters 142 ---------- 143 144 p: float 145 The power of the norm. 146 The norm will be np.sum(np.abs(x) ** p) 147 148 Returns 149 ------- 150 Returns a Normp instance with a __call__ and a diff method. 151 """
152 - def __init__(self, p):
153 self.p = p 154 self._call = normp(p=p) 155 self._diff = dnormp(p=p)